0141- 2547279 hospital_ghiya@yahoo.co.in

Ghiya Hospital is NABH Accredited

Specialization Of Ghiya Hospital Jaipur

We offer  all support needed for a pleasurable motherhood experience under one roof starting from the very first day of your pregnancy to holding your child’s hand. Our team of specialized consultants have the experience of handling high risk pregnancy cases and managing painless deliveries. 

Our team of qualified Doctors have the caliber of handling high risk pregnancy too.  With special care and precautions we have successfully completed complex cases too.  We keep monitoring at every step and even guide the patient and the relatives about different aspects they need to take care of. 

We try our best to avoid Caesarean, as birthing is a natural process and we try our best to give you a painless experience. We have a great experience of handling complicated Cesarean cases too.

One of the greatest fears expectant mothers face is the fear of intense pain during labour. Today, there are ways, such as pain relaxation techniques, to reduce not only the pain, but also the accompanying anxiety that mothers-to-be feel. We at Ghiya Hospital offer a range of programs to ensure that you get through this special moment with minimal anxiety, stress, and pain.
Epidural Analgesia is a popular technique used by women, if advised by the doctor, during labour. It is administered only in the advanced stages of labour when the Cervix opens to about 3-4 centimeters. An anesthesiologist, a doctor specializing in administering anesthesia, is required for this procedure.

Continuous epidural anesthesia can be made to last as long as the labour lasts. When the baby is close to the opening of the uterus, additional medications may be used depending on the level of discomfort experienced by the mother.

There are certain situations where women are advised not to have an epidural. An epidural must be avoided if the mother-to-be:
• Is allergic to certain local anesthetics
• Has a neurological disease
• Has a bleeding tendency
• Regularly takes aspirin
• Has an infection in the lower back area
• Has had a previous back surgery
• Has a psychological disorder or fear of needles
• Is morbidly obese
• Is unable to co-operate or position herself to allow an epidural
• Is too early in labour
• Has an abnormal labor or fetal monitoring pattern

Side effects:

If narcotics are injected, there is usually numbness or weakness of the muscles. Some women experience an itching sensation on their nose and face while some experience occasional nausea, vomiting or slowed breathing. When local anesthetics, along with narcotics, are injected for more intense pain relief, experiencing numbness from the top of the abdomen down to the feet is common. Women may also be unable to empty their bladder completely. These effects remain until the effect of the medication wears off. There are some other common side effects as well:

• Sometimes the anesthesia may not be complete; as a result the mother-to-be may experience more pain. This might require the procedure to be repeated.
• There may be a drop in blood pressure after the epidural has been inserted, causing stress to the baby. This can be treated by giving intravenous fluids.
• Epidurals can lengthen the duration of the labour.
• Around 1% of women experience headache immediately following the procedure

Effects of epidural on the baby:

The baby is exposed to the drugs that are present in the mother’s blood stream. Normally, a small dose of medication is used, which does not have any effect on the baby’s behavior. The effects of the medication on the mother’s body usually wears off before her breasts start producing breast milk.

Advantages of Epidural Analgesia:

There are quite a few advantages of administering Epidural Analgesia. A few are listed below:
• More effective in reducing pain during labor
• Dosage can be topped if necessary
• Can be converted into anesthesia in case of surgery
• Controls blood pressure
• Good postoperative pain relief
• Control of labor